Eco Homes
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About Us

What is a Universal Eco-Home?
This is a home that is established with a strong consideration of local environmental conservation (i.e enhances environmental protection). This can be a brick, wood, or mud and wattle home. It should offer at least a room to a guest/Tourist for accommodation to stay in (i.e the family earns income) and should be managed by at least a household member who interacts with the guest (i.e enhances social cultural values).
What Problem Does Universal Eco-Homes Address?
The pursuit of economic development has occurred at the expense of the environment and the degradation of the social cultural values. This is particularly true in developing countries like Uganda that embrace development interventions which are often unsustainable. Unsustainable development and failure to meet environmental, social cultural and income needs in the same place and the same time is a challenge that is facing humanity in the 21st century.
What Problem Does Universal Eco-Homes Address?

What solution does the Universal Eco-Home bring

The Universal Ecohomes are households owned by individual families who manage them as Eco-home stays (not architecturally by ecologically) and provide the necessary marketing of those homes to guests on this platform. Each Universal Ecohome is certified on a grade of 1 to 5 stars based on the extent to which it fulfills the Eco-home criteria. The ecohome criteria constitutes solar powered for lights, TV and phone charging, Solar water pumped for domestic and agricultural use, Solar enhanced cooking eco-stoves, long lasting charcoal briquettes for hot water shower in a boiler, biogas as alternative source of energy for cooking, bio filtration of domestic liquid waste, rain water harvested and stored for agricultural and domestic use, Agro-forestry with bee hives for honey and conservation of biodiversity, fruit trees and vegetable gardens, zero grazing and farm yard manure, at least a room offered to guests as home stay and family members keeping and living with guests.

The Goal of Universal Ecohome is to attain sustainable development (Environment, Social and Economic) in the same place and at the same time.

How can a member of the community get involved?

This project is open to all the individuals of the local community who can set aside at least a room of their homes for guest accommodation and comply to the environmental, social and economic requirements of the home stead as well as the Universal ecohome stay contractual obligations.

How it Works

Hosts (Eco-Home Owner)

  1. Sign up(Create a user account)
  2. Sign in
  3. List your Eco-Homes.
  4. Follow up on bookings of your Eco-Homes.
  5. Follow up and or withdraw your earnings.

Guests (Clients)

  1. Sign up (Create a user account)
  2. Sign in
  3. Search for Eco-Homes(Accomodation Facilities)
  4. Select a home you wish to book
  5. Complete your booking through the online payment system